Friday, February 10, 2012

Jeremy Lin

I'm sitting and watching the Knicks game. I am feeling generous tonight and didn't even put on a pouty face when my sports fanatic fiancé asked to watch the last quarter. Part of the reason for my kindness is Jeremy Lin or Lin-sanity or Lin-sensational as he is now known. Lin was completely unknown a week ago after bouncing around the NBA without playing more than a minute. Now, he's on the Knicks and making quite a scene. With Carmello out from injury and Amare grieving the loss of his brother, Jeremy Lin was finally given his time to shine, and shine he did. In the last 3 games, he averaged 28 points a game (anything over 20 is a good game, above 25 is elite, and the record is somewhere above 80). As I watch the game tonight, his fourth in the NBA, Lin has scored over 30 already, and the game isn't over.

I love these success stories. It is a bright spot in sports. I know I'm not the biggest sports fan, but it really impresses me. I also enjoyed watching Tim Tebow (Denver Broncos) play football throughout the season. He started off the season slowly, but really came back to bring the Broncos into the playoffs. And on a very girly note, he made it onto E!News as an eligible bachelor and, of course, the founder of the Tebow-ing trend taken from his end of play move of taking a knee and thanking God. It's these type of stories that make sports warm and fuzzy and sort of inspirational.

Go Knicks! Go Lin! Keep on believing!
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

p.s. Isn't it funny how basketball coaches wear suits? The players are wearing nearly nothing, especially when compared to other team sports. That just always seemed silly to me.

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