Friday, February 17, 2012


I just wanted to keep you in the know... the Knicks winning streak is done after winning 7 in a row. Ironically, MSG was turned on today given the demand with Lin-sanity. Maybe the Knicks played better without NYC watching.

-Sports fanatic girlfriend

Thanks for trying...

Dear Time Warner Cable,

Our time together has not always been great.  I always feel a little cheated when your bill comes in the mail, but I know that I have no other alternative.  I need to stay with you if I want to continue living the life to which I've grown accustomed.  A life with Grey's Anatomy, Top Chef, Hot in Cleveland, Project Runway, and, of course, the Kardashians.  When I get close to giving up on us, my sports fanatic fiance reminds me that you are the only way he can watch sports, which doesn't really help.

Then you decided to turn off MSG.  For those of you outside of the New York area, MSG is the Madison Square Garden channel and the home of the Knicks.  Without MSG, my winter has been warmer and sweeter... and filled with much less basketball.  I have not missed MSG for a second, and smile crosses my face every time I think of a peaceful (basketball-free) night in with my sports fanatic fiance.

Unfortunately, Lin-sanity has happened (see my previous blog post).  New Yorkers actually want to watch the Knicks now, and people are even more outraged about the feud between you and MSG.  Time Warner Cable, I know you tried to help me out, and I appreciate all your effort.  Though now that the Knicks are Lin-santional, they can no longer be avoided.  My sports fanatic fiance is watching all sports news coverage and devouring any written word about the Asian sensation.  I think he may actually be watching MORE sports rather than less.

So, it's time to give up.  I promise to stay with you (because I have no other choice) through thick and thin, but you need to bring back MSG and put me out of my misery.

With love,
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

Friday, February 10, 2012

Jeremy Lin

I'm sitting and watching the Knicks game. I am feeling generous tonight and didn't even put on a pouty face when my sports fanatic fiancé asked to watch the last quarter. Part of the reason for my kindness is Jeremy Lin or Lin-sanity or Lin-sensational as he is now known. Lin was completely unknown a week ago after bouncing around the NBA without playing more than a minute. Now, he's on the Knicks and making quite a scene. With Carmello out from injury and Amare grieving the loss of his brother, Jeremy Lin was finally given his time to shine, and shine he did. In the last 3 games, he averaged 28 points a game (anything over 20 is a good game, above 25 is elite, and the record is somewhere above 80). As I watch the game tonight, his fourth in the NBA, Lin has scored over 30 already, and the game isn't over.

I love these success stories. It is a bright spot in sports. I know I'm not the biggest sports fan, but it really impresses me. I also enjoyed watching Tim Tebow (Denver Broncos) play football throughout the season. He started off the season slowly, but really came back to bring the Broncos into the playoffs. And on a very girly note, he made it onto E!News as an eligible bachelor and, of course, the founder of the Tebow-ing trend taken from his end of play move of taking a knee and thanking God. It's these type of stories that make sports warm and fuzzy and sort of inspirational.

Go Knicks! Go Lin! Keep on believing!
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

p.s. Isn't it funny how basketball coaches wear suits? The players are wearing nearly nothing, especially when compared to other team sports. That just always seemed silly to me.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Real sports

Sadly, it has been much too long since my last post, especially since I keep coming up with ideas for posts and just don't get around to writing them.  I had a whole Super Bowl post planned with hot or not info on players in the game... Tom Brady?  Hot.  Eli Manning?  Hot.  After that, who really cares?  I had also thought about commenting on all the commercials, but overall I was underwhelmed.

The New York Giants won the Super Bowl in case you hadn't heard.  My sports fanatic fiance was sad that the Jets weren't in the game but glad to see another New York team win.  While my fiance followed the ups and downs of the game, I actually watched Smash on my computer.  I am a Glee junkie, so I loved the musical numbers in Smash.  I'm also a huge Debra Messing and Katherine McPhee fan, so the show would have had to be awful for me not to like it... and even then, I may have still enjoyed it.

Ok, enough Super Bowl talk.  Football season is done!  And since this is something to celebrate, I am not going to rant about sports.  Well, not entirely... what would this blog be if I didn't rant just a little?  The topic of the day is real sports. 

Although I am not a fan of watching sports (or actually playing sports... I'm not very coordinated or athletic), I am a fan of exercising and staying healthy.  I know it may sound silly to the sports fanatics out there who prefer to live vicariously through their favorite teams.  This might actually blow your mind, but for some of us sports are not something you watch but something you take part in.  Crazy thought.  My fiance doesn't always appreciate this comment when I use it as a logical reason why we should be watching something else on TV or why we should be turning off the television all together. 

Fantasy sports have become a big trend lately too.  There are even sweepstakes and prizes offered to fantasy players.  My question is, why not just play a real sport?  You are already watching sports.  Then you go out of your way to start your own sports team and compete but only as a fantasy.  Doesn't that sound like kid stuff?  It's like an imaginary friend.  You think he's real, but no one else can see him.  If you watch sports, the next step would be to play sports... you know, go outdoors and move around a little.  All the strategy applied to your fantasy team could be put towards good use on the actual playing field.  It's just a thought.  If you are such a big sports fan that everything else in your life comes second, shouldn't you want to be in the game?

Deep thinking about a shallow topic... until next time!

Sports Fanatic Girlfriend