Saturday, March 19, 2011

Current resources for sports fanatic relationship advice

I know I should be watching the West Virginia/Kentucky game or discussing the latest NCAA tournament upset with my boyfriend, but I just can't do it anymore.  After what seems like a lifetime of basketball games after the first two full days of the tournament, I just can't take it.  Instead, I decided to do some research to see what was out there to help me cope with the never ending stream of game highlights. This is what I found...

I was surprised to see that the first site Google pointed me to was not about trying to get out of watching sports but about how sports fanatics can get their significant others to watch sports with them.  Take a look here My favorite is probably step 2 where the author encourages sports fanatics to find sports where there is a little eye candy to entice their significant others.  I don't think this is too bad an idea... the only reason I know Mark Sanchez is because he is the cutie that keeps me coming back to watch the Jets every week.  My sports fanatic boyfriend and I have probably settled somewhere around #9.  I will sit and watch the games with him as long I as I can do my own thing whether it's reading the latest Entertainment Weekly, emailing old friends, or getting a head start on work for the week.

The next site was more what I was looking for.  A fellow blogger blogs about the pain of being second place to ESPN.  My favorite quote from the post is, "You can lead a man to reason, but you can't make him think."  A very interesting piece on what seems to be so logical to some but so illogical to others.

eHow offers some advice for maintaining a relationship with a sports fanatic, but it seems to encourage the behavior rather than discourage... the max I am willing to go is acceptance.  Thankfully, eHow also offers another post which is more in line with my current situation... how to survive a sports fanatic

These are definitely not all the ideas... just all that Google would provide me in a few links.  Are there other ideas for making it work in the romantic triangle that is you, your sports fanatic, and ESPN?

Hoping there's a cure,
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

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