Monday, March 5, 2012

College Basketball

Lin-sanity has continued in NYC, though it has calmed down. Now, the focus of my sports fanatic fiancé's fanaticism is college basketball. That's right... it's that time of year again... March Madness! This blog started during March Madness, and my frustration is back again. My sports fanatic fiancé, a UCONN fan, was thrilled last year when UCONN won it all. Lucky for me, the team has not been doing nearly as well this year. Because of his dad, my sports fanatic fiancé also keeps track of St. John's, which is also not doing so hot this year. Because of these lackluster performances, I have been saved the excess college basketball that would be watched otherwise.

Tonight I came home early, looking forward to hanging out with my sports fanatic fiancé. As I walked through the door, I heard the all too familiar sound of sports announcers and cheering crowds. He gave me the smile that says "I know you hate this, but I just want to watch the end of the game." I let it slide thinking it was UCONN or St. John's (and thinking I could write this post), but then I saw it was Fairfield! This was completely unexpected. My sports fanatic fiancé is from Fairfield, CT, so I understand his connection to the team. However, Fairfield's basketball team has never been mentioned in all my sports watching time. Apparently, the team has not been to the NCAA tournament since 1997, and the game I'm watching right now determines if they get the chance to go back again.

The game is close, so we'll see what happens... or I'll see what's left on GiltGroupe... online shopping seems like the perfect remedy for an unexpected basketball game.

-Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

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