Sunday, January 29, 2012

A football free weekend

This is my favorite week of football season because there is no real football to speak of (ok, so there is the Pro Bowl, but that doesn't really count).  The excitement of the AFC and NFC championships has past, and anticipation for next week's Super Bowl is growing... and I get to enjoy my sports fanatic boyfriend without football commentators talking in the background.  So lovely!  We went for a long walk yesterday and had a nice dinner out.  Today has been leisurely with no pressure to get something done in order to watch the game.  It reminds of the better days... when it's not football season.

It has been great, but don't worry, my weekend has not been completely without sports.  College basketball has filled in any awkward silences that may have occurred over the football free weekend.  My sports fanatic boyfriend likes to watch St. John's and UCONN games (he's from the Northeast), and it feels like one of the two is always playing.  Though, I know to hold my complaints about college basketball until March because that's when it will be crazy, or mad really.  March Madness is literally that... madness.

On a more uplifting sports note, I actually enjoy the Super Bowl.  No, I don't actually watch the game, but I do make delicious food and watch commercials.  I love cooking, and when you cook for crowds, you get to make a variety of fabulous treats.  The Serious Eats blog has a slideshow with dip ideas... the dips and toppings are definitely on the classy side for the Super Bowl, but the Pisto Manchego looks delicious.  Some other delicious ideas I've been wanting to try include Macheesmo's cheese ball, sweet onion dip with baked zucchini, and Simply Recipe's edamame dip.  (Seeing the dates of some of these posts, you can see I read way more blogs than I actually have time to make dishes.)  Some other food groups to keep in mind on the big day: wings, chili, meatballs (sports fanatic boyfriend is Italian), and nachos.  And, of course, don't forget dessert (I have a big sweet tooth)... maybe brownies?

Gearing up for the big game,
Sport fanatic girlfriend

Monday, January 23, 2012

AFC/NFC Championship results

As many of you in a relationship with a sports fanatic may already know, the Giants and the Patriots are going to the Super Bowl.  The only football game of the year that I don't mind watching is the Super Bowl.  This is mostly due to all the specialized advertising done, obviously not really for the game.  Also, I love throwing parties, and the Super Bowl makes a great reason for the party.  I was initially hoping for a Ravens vs 49ers Super Bowl because I could have had themed food from both cities... doesn't wine and cheese with crab cakes sound delicious?  Unfortunately, I will have to rethink things... pizza and chowder just don't sound as classy.  Perhaps I will go with a more traditional chip and dip selection.  I will obviously keep you updated since my sports fanatic fiance will be talking football while I dream of menus.

Go Giants! (Since it's the next best thing to the Jets)
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My deepest apologies

I'm sad to say that life somehow got in the way of my writing... for almost a whole year... but I'm back.  I want to start by saying that I'm sorry, especially if you found my first few posts of any interest.  I am determined to refocus on the topics of not understanding sports and wishing that my sports fanatic fiance (no longer just boyfriend) would realize the wonders of other forms of entertainment.

I'm not sure how I made it through all of football season without feeling the need to express my utter frustration with all things athletic.  Now, here we are with the AFC and NFC championships under our belt, and only the Super Bowl lies between us and football freedom.  I say football freedom instead of just freedom because, of course, there is already basketball and hockey going on.  My fiance tells me that he doesn't really care about hockey, but I'm sure if nothing else was on he would watch hockey gladly.  Any reason to be connected to ESPN.

I hope that you'll keep reading... and that I will keep writing.

Since sports continue on, so must I...
Sports Fanatic Girlfriend (Fiance, I guess)